MedEverest Mountain Expedition Medicine

Robert Szymczak

Expeditions' Medical Coverage

MedEverest offers medical coverage of mountain expeditions and trekkings.


Please contact with us and we will choose the most suitable and financially optimal form of medical preparation and coverage for your expedition. 


MedEverest expedition's medical coverage includes:

  1. Medical consultations of the expedition’s members (direct, on-line)
  2. Pre-Expedition Mountain Medicine Courses  for the expedition’s members (direct, on-line)
  3. Preparation of the First Aid Mountain Kits composition (emergency personal kits, base camp personal kits, camp kits,  expedition kit)
  4. Preparation of acclimatization plan
  5. Preparation of oxygen-assisted climbing plan
  6. Medical care during the expedition
  7. Medical consultation during the expedition (on-line, satellite telephone, e:mail)


zabepieczenie medyczne wypraw